Monday, July 23, 2007

Swimming pools and your mortgage

It seems like you’re always putting money into both of them.

If you’ve ever owned a pool and tried to maintain one, you know how much work it can be. First you need to open the pool, then put in the right chemicals then fix everything that’s broken. You need to maintain it each day, measure the pH and chlorine levels etc. etc…
What does maintaining a pool have to do with your mortgage? As I struggled this past weekend with an algae problem I began to think about the parallels. I neglected to test the pH and chlorine level this past week. Algae began to grow, slowly at first, then by Thursday it was totally green. I had to put in significant effort to get things back under control.
Your mortgages (and all your finances for that matter) have similar issues. Here are the parallels:


Your Rhode Island Mortgage debt and your consumer debt need to be measured regularly to make sure things are on track. It’s easy with a pool, just use a test strip, and then add the correct chemicals. With your finances it’s more difficult but even more important.


When you find your finances are off track you must act quickly and “ADD” the right things. Having the wrong mortgage or too much consumer debt can set you way back and quick response is critical.


Know when to ask for help. Even financial experts know when to ask for help. A trip down to my local pool store helped to solve my problem quickly and helped me to not waste time. You may be experiencing tough times and you’re not sure what to do. Time is of the essence. Get and expert involved right away.

Just as a swimming pool must be monitored and maintained, your finances requires the same level of attention. Professional mortgage planning and financial health analysis are exactly what I do. I wouldn’t try to perform heart surgery but I could definitely provide valuable insight that could ending up saving you thousands.

Please give me a call or send me an email and let me know when it would be a good time for a financial check up. Worst case, we can just talk about pools.

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